Event Details
Vous n’êtes pas seul – Livre électronique
La maladie COVID-19 exerce une pression sur nous tous, mais en particulier sur les personnes qui vivent avec la maladie de Parkinson Notre communauté Parkinson a trouvé un moyen de se réunir et d’établir des liens virtuels en partageant des histoires personnelles et des mots d’encouragement. De nombreux messages convaincants de courage et de vulnérabilité ont été compilés dans un livre électronique afin de les communiquer aux membres de la communauté, avec un important rappel : Vous n’êtes pas seul Que vous veniez d’obtenir un diagnostic de la maladie de Parkinson ou que vous viviez avec cette maladie depuis plusieurs années, ce livre électronique est pour vous. Si quelqu’un proche de vous vit avec la maladie de Parkinson ou si c’est la raison pour laquelle vous avez perdu quelqu’un dans le passé, ce livre électronique est pour vous. Parce que trois choses sont plus vraies aujourd’hui que jamais : Nous avons vraiment besoin du contact humain en ce moment. Les gens et les familles qui vivent avec la maladie de Parkinson sont les personnes les plus résilientes, ingénieuses et déterminées du pays. Vous n’êtes pas seul. Nous sommes là pour vous.. Vous faites partie d’une communauté extraordinaire. Visitez : parkinson.ca/you-are-not-alone/ (en anglais seulement) pour réserver votre copie aujourd’hui.
Novembre est le Mois de la prévention des chutes — cherchez des nouvelles sur un webinaire gratuit avec Nicole Acerra, PhD, BSc P.T., BA, auteur principal de Preventing Falls for People Living with Parkinson’s
Parkinson Canada SuperWalk proudly celebrates this spirit of perseverance, determination and hope. The walk has used the words No Matter What as a rallying cry since 2019 in recognition of the strength of spirit of the Parkinson Community. This year, no one embodies that perseverance more than Ralph Richardson who was named the ‘National Hero’ for the event this year. To learn more about Ralph’s story and to register to walk alongside him visit his SuperWalk webpage. Read the Superwalk 2020 press release.
VIEW ONLINE EVENTS – événements en ligne / en anglais seulement
Parkinson Canada Virtual Education Event: Northern Ontario : October 29, 2020
Individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, their care partners, family and friends are invited to participate in a free online Parkinson Canada event. Throughout the month of October, Parkinson Canada is embarking on a virtual “road trip” to health regions throughout Manitoba and Northern Ontario, bringing Parkinson’s education, resources and support to local communities. Join Kelly Williams, Clinical Resource Nurse at Winnipeg’s Movement Disorder Clinic along with Parkinson Canada Community Development Coordinators, Donna Greening & Kerri Lynn Gudz on Thursday, October 29 at 7:30 PM ET (6:30 PM CT) to learn how to live your best Parkinson’s life; Parkinson’s symptom management, overcoming COVID-19 challenges, Parkinson Canada programs and services, and other virtual programs will be discussed. There will also be a special “Ask the Nurse” session.
Pre-registration for this free Zoom event is required. Register by October 28 by emailing donna.greening@parkinson.ca or kerrilynn.gudz@parkinson.ca or by calling 1-800-565-3000, extension 3440 or 3442.
World Brain Day – webinar recording — https://wfneurology.org/world-brain-day-2020
Canadian Open Parkinson Network & Dr. Antonio Strafella presented an intimate Town Hall with early registrants for September’s Parkinson Canada SuperWalk event. In that session, shared in full below, he spoke on his perspective on the role of the Canadian Open Parkinson Network, C-OPN, on the Canadian and international research landscape and on how people with Parkinson’s can partner with the research community as part of this project. Join us at SuperWalk on September 12 to fuel research progress through C-OPN and beyond. https://www.youtube.com/embed/R9-9P0S5gHE
When Life Gives You Parkinson’s Playing a crucial role in the success of the first season, Parkinson Canada is strengthening its commitment to the When Life Gives You Parkinson’s podcasts with Larry Gifford, only 45 years old at the time when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in August 2017. In sharing his diagnosis publicly, he discovered that, despite how far-reaching the effects of Parkinson’s disease are, there were few resources that took a human-centered approach. In addition to the advocacy and awareness he does through the podcast, Gifford also sits on The Michael J. Fox Foundation Patient Council and is on the board of the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Institute. When Life Gives You Parkinson’s is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. Listen now.
Parkinson Canada Online Exercise and Wellness Mindfulness & Parkinson’s: How to Use it to Manage Pain & Emotions Presented by Gabrielle Pagé, a clinical psychologist and researcher with expertise in pain management. She explains the impact mindfulness can have on one’s brain and overall well-being. She also provides practical tips on how to integrate mindfulness in your everyday life to manage pain, stress and emotions. Watch Live on Facebook Watch on YouTube Anytime
Still on the fence about the importance of exercise? CBC PEI Aug 13 2020
Watch Anytime: Simple Techniques for Relief from Stress, Fear & Anxiety Nicole Mahabir, the founder and director of JAI Wellness, a platform for health education, mindful living and wellbeing. In this webinar, she will discuss holistic practices and wellness routines that you can incorporate throughout your day to help with resilience and good rest. Discover mindful breath practices, meditation, cognitive behavioural therapies, relaxation techniques and sleep routines. Watch on YouTube Anytime Live and Recorded Exercise Classes Continue this Month Staying active is key to managing both motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s. Parkinson Canada’s Lance Letain is a certified instructor for the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. This month, he’ll offer live classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 2:30 p.m. EDT, on the Parkinson Canada SuperWalk Facebook page as part of SuperWalk: The Movement throughout the month. Join Lance live on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 2:30 p.m. EDT on Facebook Get Active with Lance, Dance Classes or PWR! Moves on YouTube Anytime
Virtual Care Partner Summit If you, or someone you know is a care partner for a person living with Parkinson’s, or other chronic illnesses, you’re likely familiar with the stress this role can put on you, your relationships, and your ability to address your own wellness. This is likely heightened by the additional stress caused by Covid-19. Last month the team at Parkinson Canada shared with you a virtual Care Partner Summit, three presentations that support care partner well-being. The presentations focus on relationships, caregiver stress, and the social and emotional needs of care partners. For many, a great way to de-stress is to daydream about travel or going on a trip. Our August online sessions have something to offer there, as well. Last February, Steve Iseman, who has been living with Parkinson’s for 8 years and co-captains the Rigid Riders cycling team, trekked to Nepal to the Mount Everest base camp. https://parkinsonpost.com/a-life-inspired/